Sartorius ist ein international führender Pharma- und Laborzulieferer.

Liquid nitrogen storage simple and efficient.

Founded in 1987, Custom Biogenic Systems is a global leader in the design and manufacture of state of the art liquid nitrogen laboratory freezers, cryogenic equipment and accessories. The CBS Isothermal Liquid Nitrogen Vapor Storage System was patented in 2000 and Custom Biogenic Systems continues to be an innovative leader in the design of cryogenic equipment and supplies.

Liquid nitrogen storage systems:

Isothermal LN2 freezers from CBS offer cryogenic dry storage for medical laboratories, universities and research facilities while reducing the risk of cross-contamination. Our patented technology creates a jacketed space in the walls of the freezer, maximizing storage space inside and minimizing the chances of cross-contamination.

Link to CBS (by PHCbi)